What Makes Us Different

Far too often professional development checks a box instead of effecting lasting change. Organizations struggle to bring mission
statements and change initiatives from concept into action. This is our focus. As experts from the fields of leadership development,
change management, psychology, adult learning, and neuroscience we have designed programs which are personal and sustainable.

Orchestral OVER Solo

We aren’t one note. We bring a symphony of experts from the fields of coaching, mental health, business, education leadership, data scientists, adult development, trauma, yoga, and mindfulness together because the way each person learns and the needs of each organization differ. 

Transformation OVER Presentation

We prioritize experiences over PowerPoint presentations because learning occurs when ideas are paired with experiences. We use mindfulness, self-reflective exercises, and guided conversations that challenge participants to integrate what they learn towards enduring change.

Action AND Concept

Culture change initiatives don’t always make it from words into action. We help your teams implement shared purpose, language, and practices in everyday moments in order to close the gap between mission statements and real-time work.

Being more AND Doing more

Well-being, self-care, and awareness do not have to be one more thing to do. We help people learn to tap their capacity to be well and bring more being into what they do, in order to be more efficient at driving impact.

Sustainable OVER One-off

Implementation and integration are a part of every session and take place at the personal, relational, and organizational levels. Our programs are designed to complement existing well-being, leadership development, and soft skills programs within the organization.

Practical NOT Esoteric

We make skills and ideas that may seem inaccessible, into practical, fun tools that can be used in everyday life. 

Leader as Host OVER Leader as Superhero

Our version of professional development helps leaders build a team of change agents who help them implement and lead so that positive change is a shared responsibility.

Body awareness AND Mindset awareness

Many change initiatives focus exclusively on thinking. We help you leverage body awareness to increase your emotional fluency, communication skills, and leadership capacities.

Orchestral OVER Solo

We aren’t one note. We bring a symphony of experts from the fields of coaching, mental health, business, education leadership, data scientists, adult development, trauma, yoga, and mindfulness together because the way each person learns and the needs of each organization differ. 

Transformation OVER Presentation

We prioritize experiences over PowerPoint presentations because learning occurs when ideas are paired with experiences. We use mindfulness, self-reflective exercises, and guided conversations that challenge participants to integrate what they learn towards enduring change.

Action AND Concept

Culture change initiatives don’t always make it from words into action. We help your teams implement shared purpose, language, and practices in everyday moments in order to close the gap between mission statements and real-time work.

Being more AND Doing more

Well-being, self-care, and awareness do not have to be one more thing to do. We help people learn to tap their capacity to be well and bring more being into what they do, in order to be more efficient at driving impact.

Sustainable OVER One-off

Implementation and integration are a part of every session and take place at the personal, relational, and organizational levels. Our programs are designed to complement existing well-being, leadership development, and soft skills programs within the organization.

Practical NOT Esoteric

We make skills and ideas that may seem inaccessible, into practical, fun tools that can be used in everyday life. 

Leader as Host OVER Leader as Superhero

Our version of professional development helps leaders build a team of change agents who help them implement and lead so that positive change is a shared responsibility.

Body awareness AND Mindset awareness

Many change initiatives focus exclusively on thinking. We help you leverage body awareness to increase your emotional fluency, communication skills, and leadership capacities.

How it Works

Let’s customize an approach towards long-term success. From
conversation to transformation, working together looks like:

Vector 8

We start with a conversation with your
key leaders to determine the needs
and goals of the organization.

Vector 9

We design a diagnostic process to
determine the underlying challenges
and what really matters to your team.

Vector 10

We design a custom suite of solutions
which may include 1-1 and team-based

Vector 11

These programs start with key
leaders so that they learn to model
the change they want to see.

Vector 12

New cohorts of leaders at various levels of the
organization experience programming designed
to deepen the impact on the culture.

Vector 13

We help leaders integrate these new behaviors
and tools into the flow of everyday work so
that ideas turn into sustainable actions.

Approach to Sustaining Change

Rectangle 70 1
Our Developmental Pathway

AIM Theory of Change

Top pyramid
The work begins as an inside out approach prioritizing personal transformation so that people embody self-awareness, well-being, and EQ on a level of authenticity, insight, lived experience, and mastery.

Working with the individual:

Middle Pyramid
Once emotional fluency and self-awareness increase, we develop social skills and team-building capacities through conscious communication.

Working with group dynamics:

Bottom Pyramid
Finally, we coach leaders to become change agents by bringing their new behaviors, skills, and practices into their work culture in big or small change initiatives.

Working with culture: