
“Your work just went from being a nice-to-have to a must-have for all businesses. Now, we really need to understand how to care for each other and ourselves while we meet a mountain of challenges.”
Business Unit Leader at a Global Bank

“This training is a super tool for creating a team, a sense of true support between participants, and a sense of commonly shared values.”
Business Unit Leader at a Global Bank

“My coaching reminded me why I do this job and gave me the tools to have a more honest, in-depth conversion with my team. Now, we actually collaborate and I can focus on empowering people instead of doing their job for them.”
Sales Leader at a Technology Company

“This training resonated with everyone on my leadership team. The facilitators provided a great foundation for collaboration and connection, sprinkled with humor, movement, and fun. This work will have a lasting impression on my team.”
Chief People Officer at a Financial Technology Company

“The program pushed personal growth and leadership skills up to the community thinking level.”
Business Unit Leader at a Global Bank

“The single thing I learned the most from this was the practice and importance of asking powerful questions, particularly during conflict or when someone I was working with didn't meet expectations. It could then be about growth and learning.”
Manager at Financial Services Company

“This program is needed even more in today’s environment where emotions, stress, and overwhelm are exacerbated. I found a renewed openness and commitment to taking on board the practices to have a more calmer and impactful existence.”
Manager at Financial Services Company

“This program is a good way to help the speaker move beyond their frustration, unhappiness, stalemate, powerlessness, feeling like they are cornered or trapped, into a more constructive thinking mode, realizing they have a measure of control, they can affect the situation, they have the power to be part of the solution.``
Manager at Global Bank

“I have read a lot of books on leadership and taken other programs, but this program’s approach is practical and is grounded in the values that our organization believes are important. The approaches in this program can keep us grounded on that mission through these practices.”
Director at Global Bank

“I learned a lot about myself, my feelings, my colleagues, things that will help me be a better leader. This program tested my mental models, challenged why I think what I think and really helped me grow. I would recommend this program to anyone seeking to learn more about themselves while improving their leadership and communication skills.”
Director at Financial Services Company

“This program has the sustained effect of building skills and giving me tools to live positively and happily within the organizational ocean”
Director at Global Bank

“This program is focusing on key strategies for success: effective communication, empowerment and focusing on the positives of a situation and emotional intelligence. There are many useful tools and techniques that can be used immediately in the workplace to build more collaborative, trusting, and happy teams.”
Business Unit Leader at an Intergovernmental Organization

“This program is a powerful vehicle for the personal development and alignment of personal resources for application within the business context. It helps to cultivate happiness and win-win solutions within a complex and constantly changing business environment.”
Business Unit Leader at an Intergovernmental Organization

“This training is a super tool for creating a team, a sense of true support between participants, and a sense of commonly shared values.”
Business Unit Leader at an Intergovernmental Organization

“What I found most positive was the creation of shared practice, language, and experiences helps to create receptivity and engagement with team members”
Business Unit Leader at an Intergovernmental Organization

“This to me was very much about the approach to life and happiness generally, much broader than effective ``leadership`` techniques at work. To recognize agency, set goals, make effort to achieve them, collaborate with others by owning my role and contributions, see how my choices impact outcomes, understand when outcomes are affected by forces beyond my control, and let go of attachments, not to feel entitled, feel the power to create the life I want rather than waiting for others to deliver it to me.”
Business Unit Leader at an Intergovernmental Organization

“My biggest takeaway from the program is that I do need to outgrow my cultural norm or comfort zone to be a more effective communicator and leader. For example, I learned that I should not react or formulate thoughts without validating my own assumptions. I also learned that expressing my own feelings to others could be a powerful communication tool to apply at work.”
Manager at Global Bank

“The positive thing about the program is connecting to my body and understanding my internal weather and addressing my vulnerability with others. This was a tremendous challenge, but it has had a hugely positive impact. By showing my vulnerability, I was better at addressing my needs.”

“I think this program addresses the interpersonal challenges that dominate the day-to-day. The angle of interacting with adults in a manner where we maintain integrity is really powerful.”

“What I really found that was different was a clear focus on embracing the differences and perspectives of those around us.”

“The fact that many of these practices go beyond the work environment can make work more effective.”

“This training is a super tool for creating a team, a sense of true support between participants, and a sense of commonly shared values.”

“I think this whole training was awesome. I learned a lot about myself and feel a lot more confident in working with others. In every module, even the ones I struggled with, I walked away with something new I learned, relevant to the work I do with others. Super powerful!”

“This program opens up more effective options to communicate and be effective in a way that cares for our relationship, ourselves, and the task at hand. The skills explored benefit us at work and in our personal lives. Being aware of these approaches opens the opportunity to make lasting changes for the better in the way we interact with each other.”

“As a leader, difficult conversations with staff is something I must constantly do and the tools I learned will really help me have those conversations.”

``It's a very different program from my organization’s norm, and I think it is balanced very well with other leadership and developmental programs I have taken by providing a deep focus on thoughtful and reflective, and kind communication.``

“I would really recommend the program to a colleague or a friend as it helped me reflect on my own being, what type of assumptions I have about people, what type of skills I am lacking to be an effective communicator, etc. The skills can be applied both at work and at home and it helps me collect some thoughts around my professional as well as personal development.”

“The communication tools that I learned, the mindful awakening I gained, were life-changing.”

``I was looking for an organization that could help us transform the school by empowering our teacher leaders. AIM does just that.``
Principal and Head of Principal Leadership Organization

``I was looking for the very best in SEL and did not want another 'one-off.' With AIM, we found facilitators who understand how to build lasting change within a community.``
Principal and Head of Principal Leadership Organization

“Even though the tangible results speak for themselves: reduced suspension rates by half, increased school attendance, increased graduation rates, etc, the value of this training has impacted the district culture far beyond quantifiable metrics.``
-Superintendent of Schools

“There is no doubt that this work with us has been instrumental in our emotional growth, which will have an indelible and lifelong effect on student capacity to cope with a world of change and uncertainty.”
-Superintendent of Schools

“A.I.M. addresses the interpersonal challenges that dominate the day-to-day aspects of administrator jobs. Many other programs are student-focused, but the angle of interacting with adults in a manner where we maintain integrity is really powerful.”
-Principal at a California School

“There is no question that many adults (including ourselves) have trauma and sometimes are triggered by it in ways that elicit impulsive, reactive responses. Our cabinet (superintendent and assistant superintendents), along with nearly all principals have been trained and coached by A.I.M. faculty. They have reported increased ability to build trust with each other and with faculty, especially those who are difficult to communicate with because of misdirected anger and negativity.”
-Superintendent of a School District

“What I have learned in this course would have been so useful when I was going through my credential or masters in educational leadership program.”
-Principal of a School

“I found the use of the practices and content different than any other program. I feel like that helped me always look at the program from the perspective of improving my school (organization).”
- Principal of a School

“I personally believe that because A.I.M.’s training builds intrapersonal and interpersonal trust and authenticity, the result has been more efficiency for the organization through better communication between individuals, and consequently, between and within the organization systems.”
-Superintendent of Schools

“It helped me introspect and understand that I am not alone. My colleagues have similar thoughts and challenges in life. It helps me feel that we are together and helping each other.”

“Looking at my life map as it referred to my mental models allowed me to see how I had changed and more importantly, why I had changed over time. I learned a lot from creating my life map and then getting feedback in small groups. It really helped me focus on my purpose and what has gotten me to where I am today.”

“AIM has helped me to be less reactive and more resilient to change and uncertainty. Others have shared that my energy has been positively contagious since I’ve joined.”

“This has been such a healing space for me personally, as I navigate through the times we live in. It not only also transformed my work in the way that I interact with my colleagues, but in the way that I connect with my family.”

“We connected, we celebrated, we mourned, we wondered, we explored. We had a space to feel, and under most circumstances, to feel better.”

“I truly believe our community could experience great healing and progress through an ongoing experience such as this. We are all hurting right now-every member of our community, our nation, and our world.”

“I cannot express how transformative the experience was for me as a mother, a leader, and a human being.”
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